Monday, 12 December 2011

Tis’ the Season

I love living in the Bahamas.  Even though we do not have the typical seasons where leaves change colour, snow falls, spring arrives and then the joy of summer, we do have seasons.  You just have to look a little closer. 

Growing up here, I was not exposed to the typical change of seasons that northern countries such as Canada experience. I was so excited to ‘experience’ the change of seasons when I went away to school, and cherished every change.  Often walking down the street in the summer enjoying the blue sky, flowers in the gardens and sandals on my feet I would say to myself, I cannot imagine snow being on this street even though I’ve seen it in the past... and then in the winter when the streets were stacked high with snow banks and the trees were bare and the sky was grey, I couldn’t fathom what a summer day would look like in this very spot, even though I had seen it with my own eyes just months before! I never grew tired of that day dreaming. 
But here in The Bahamas, the changes are there.  And every year I cherish them. The heat of the summer tends to lull everyone into a sleepy state but as the tinges of cool start coming in on the evening air, and the air starts to smell a little fresher as  September draws to a close, Nassau starts buzzing with activity and the island comes alive.  
The signals of winter also come through people.  The social calender is packed with events that start at the end of October, and pick up steadily until the end of December.  The stores start filling up, and people have a lightness in their step.  Perhaps its because the heat of the summer has been forgotten and the excitement of the holidays is upon them.  
October brings in the International Food Festival.   With November comes coveted Balls where everyone has the chance to be Cinderella and weddings are plentiful. 
One of my favorite events is the annual Bahamas Humane Society Luncheon Fashion Show put on by Cole’s of Nassau.  I remember hearing about this event when i was younger, looking forward to the day when I had the luxury to attend.  To be able to take 3 hours off during the work day to enjoy a lovely lunch and watch the season’s fashions come down the runway in front of you.  The best part is getting dressed up and catching up with people you haven’t seen in a while.   This year’s event was on November 8th at the British Colonial Hilton.  And it was sold out! 
The Bahamas National Trust’s annual Jollification is another great event.  You get to see just about everyone you know, and probably have not seen since last year’s jollification! 
This year I attended the Lignum Vitae Winter Fest and had a wonderful relaxing afternoon.   While the event is more geared towards kids and families, my Mom and I attended, bought a few wares from the vendors, chatted with some friends, and enjoyed a baked potato on the lawn and soaked up the positive energy in the air from people coming together for a great cause, with great spirits.   And after all, isn’t that what the holiday’s are all about? 

Seasons really do exist in The Bahamas - you just have to look a little closer! 

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